Added: 04.01.2012

The value of card transactions in Poland exceeded 100 billion PLN

Poles have in their pockets around 32 million payment cards. We make quarterly eight non-cash transactions worth approximately 100PLN each. No further than 6 years ago there were only three transactions - said Grupa LEW.

According to the Polish National Bank data for the third quarter of 2011, Poles use "plastic money" more often and more readily. It is the first time in the polish non-cash transaction market history when transaction quarter value exceeded 100 billion PLN. During the congruent time in last year Poles had spent "only" around 93 billion. The reason of this huge growth was definitely increasing number of payment terminals available at polish shops – at the end of September 2011 the number of POS terminals was more than 256 thousand, while a year earlier - less than 240 000 units. At the same time Poles have accustomed and appreciate the convenience, time saving and safety which go with cards. If  in 2004 we used the card once a month, today we do it nearly three times more often.
Poles consistently choose the card payment because it’s more convenient and safe than traditional cas payments - says CEO Andrew Basiak Grupa LEW, owner of the brand Dobry Punkt Electronic Solutions at Sale.
In third quarter 2011 the value of all cash transactions was around 27 billion PLN and it is 3.5 billion PLN more than one year earlier. This year is going to be harder for polish economy and according to prognosis  will bring economic slowdown. It will probably be visible in slower growth rate of card payments, though as long as for now those trends were, apart from seasonal fluctuations, continually growing.

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